Back to All Events Honky Tonk Saloon Vol. 27 Wednesday, August 9, 2023 8:00 PM 11:55 PM Google Calendar ICS The Tonk is back at the famous Maui Sugar Mill Saloon for Volume 28! Your host Tar and Flowers will be playing as well as friends Rah Rah Rabbit and The Doohickeys.It’s all free!Check out the Honky Tonky Saloon Instagram HERE
Honky Tonk Saloon Vol. 27 Wednesday, August 9, 2023 8:00 PM 11:55 PM Google Calendar ICS The Tonk is back at the famous Maui Sugar Mill Saloon for Volume 28! Your host Tar and Flowers will be playing as well as friends Rah Rah Rabbit and The Doohickeys.It’s all free!Check out the Honky Tonky Saloon Instagram HERE